For purposes of this article, utility services shall be for water and sewer service charges and all applicable and authorized additions and penalties with respect thereto.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

All billing for utility services shall be due and payable at the office of the City Clerk on the 20th day of each month, after which date it shall be considered delinquent, and a charge of 10 percent penalty will be added to said bill. If the 20th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the bill will be due on the next regular business day.

(Ord. 2020-01; Ord. 2021-01; Code 2021)

A written notice of delinquency and termination shall be issued on the 23rd day of the month or next business day if the 23rd falls on a Sunday or Holiday with respect to any delinquent and unpaid utility service bill. Said delinquency and termination notice shall provide the customer with the following information, to-wit: (1) The amount due including all applicable penalties and additions with respect to the unpaid utility service bill; (2) notice that service will be terminated and disconnected within 5 days. Such notice shall be deemed sufficient if delivered personally to the utility services customer or placed or posted near the door of the residence or posted in mail, and a $5.00 notice charge shall then be added to the bill. Termination of service will occur for unpaid account balances of $90.00 or greater.

(Ord. 2020-01; Ord. 2021-01; Code 2021)

(a)   Any customer establishing utility services in a rental home, shall be required to pay a deposit of $100.00 to be paid to the City of Frontenac prior to the activation of utility service. This deposit shall be associated with the account for the life of the account. This deposit may be partially refunded when service is discontinued, after first being applied to a final bill.

(b)   In the event it is necessary to cut or excavate the street or alleyway to establish service, the cost shall be $400.00. Each initial and final bill for a customer shall be pro-rated if necessary.

(c)   No utility service shall be established or re-established at a residence or business for an individual who has financial obligations to the city.

(d)   All customers shall utilize a city approved water meter for utility services.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

The following rates and minimum charges for water service provided to residences and businesses shall be as follows:

(a)   Residences within the city limits of the City of Frontenac, Kansas:

(1)   For all water consumed not in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, the minimum charge shall be $20.46.

(2)   For each one hundred (100) gallons per month above the minimum of two thousand (2,000) gallons, the additional charge per hundred (100) gallons shall be $0.56.

(b)   Residences outside the city limits of the City of Frontenac, Kansas:

(1)   For all water consumed not in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, the minimum shall be $25.95.

(2)   For each one hundred (100) gallons per month above the minimum of two thousand (2,000) gallons, the additional charge per hundred (100) gallons shall be $0.67.

(c)   Businesses:

(1)   For all water consumed not in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, the minimum shall be $26.46.

(2)   For each one hundred (100) gallons per month above the minimum of two thousand (2,000) gallons, the additional charge per hundred (100) gallons shall be $0.61.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021; Ord. 2024-11)

On and after the effective date of this act, the following charges shall be assessed:

(a)   For all new meters installed, there shall be a $300.00 service charge, plus materials and labor costs for the installment of said meter.

(b)   A disconnection-reconnection fee of $50.00 shall be applied when it becomes necessary due to non­ payment or untimely payment.

(c)   In addition to the above one-time meter charges, there shall be a monthly charge of $6.83 per meter with said fees generated to be placed in the water utility fund.

(d)   All customers will pay a monthly $.50 water protection fee to be placed in the water utility fund.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

New customers are charged for services based upon monthly water usage until it is possible to calculate an average for the months of November, December, and January. After January, sewer rates are averaged based upon the water usage for the months of November, December, and January. If a customer feels this average does not accurately reflect their normal usage, a request can be made to recalculate usage based upon different months which staff believe reflect “normal usage”. This request must be made within 30 days of when the customer believes the abnormal usage occurred which affected the averaging of the sewer rates.

The rates and minimum charges for sewer service provided to residences and businesses shall be as follows:

(a)   Residences and businesses:

(1)   The minimum charge for sewer service per month shall be $32.00 for the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water used.

(2)   For each one hundred (100) gallons per months above the minimum of two thousand (2,000) gallons, the additional charge per hundred (100) gallons shall be $0.58.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021; Ord. 2021-12; Ord. 2022-06; Ord. 2023-15; Ord. 2024-10)

(a)   The city shall establish a sewer tap fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a standard main sewer tap. In the event it is necessary to cut or excavate the street and or alleyway then the cost shall be four hundred dollars ($400.00). The city requires that all new and replacement sewer taps be performed by a licensed plumber and the city reserves the right to inspect the same. The City of Frontenac is not responsible for sewer taps and they remain the responsibility of the property owner.

(b)   The city will assess each customer a monthly $1.00 storm water fee. The fee shall be placed in the general fund for the purpose of funding drainage improvements within the city.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

If a water leak, or other related emergency occurs, which is documented by a license plumber or city building inspector, a customer may request an adjustment of the utility bill once per calendar year. An average water consumption total for the three preceding months of service will be utilized for the user charge for the month in question.

(Ord. 2020-01; Ord. 2021-01; Code 2021)

The City of Frontenac reserves the right to assess against any customer the costs associated with the collection of any unpaid balance, including those charges and fees which may be assessed by a collection agency utilized by the city.

Any customer with a returned check will be required to pay a $30.00 returned check fee. If a termination of service has occurred on an account with a returned check, a $50.00 disconnection-reconnection fee must be paid simultaneously with the $30.00 returned check fee in order for service to be re-established.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

Any person found to be violating any provision of this article shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall become liable to the city for any expense, loss, or damage occasioned the city by reason of such violation.

(Ord. 2020-01; Code 2021)

No person shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained, any cross connection whereby a private, auxiliary, or emergency water supply other than the regular public water supply of the city may enter the supply and distributing system of the city unless specifically approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the governing body.

(Ord. 1992-12; Code 2021)

Approved devices to protect against backflow or backsiphonage shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow and/or backsiphonage may occur and where there is a hazard to the potable water supply in that polluted water or other contaminating materials may enter into the public water supply. Any situation in which a heavy withdrawal of water, such as a sudden break in the main or water being used from a fire hydrant, may cause a negative pressure to develop which could lead to backsiphonage of polluted water into the system shall be improper and must be protected by approved backflow preventive valves and systems as determined by the city.

(Ord. 1992-12; Code 2021)

The Public Works Director, City Building Inspector or other designee of the governing body shall have the right of entry into any building or premises in the city as frequently as necessary in his or her judgment in order to ensure that plumbing has been installed in accordance with the laws of the city so as to prevent the possibility of pollution of the water supply of the city.

(Ord. 1992-12; Code 2021)

Pursuant to the city’s constitutional home rule authority and K.S.A. 65-163a, the city by its Public Works Director may refuse to deliver water through pipes and mains to any premises where a condition exists which might lead to the contamination of the public water supply system and it may continue to refuse the delivery of water to the premises until that condition is remedied. In addition, the city may terminate water service to any property where the cross connections or backsiphonage condition creates, in the judgment of the superintendent, an emergency danger of contamination to the public water supply.

(Ord. 1992-12; Code 2021)